Registration for 2024 Read in Week is now open!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss

For students in Edmonton and surrounding areas, Oilers READ IN Week marks a very special time of the year. While children are often taught the importance of reading from their parents and teachers, Oilers READ IN Week provides a unique opportunity for special guests to help ignite a love of reading in students and celebrate literacy and life-long learning.

Oilers Alumni, members of the Orange and Blue Ice Crew and the Oilers Ladies will be making visits to a few lucky schools. Focusing on Grades 1 through 3, elementary schools in Edmonton and surrounding areas are encouraged to fill out the application form below for the chance to have a member of the Oilers Alumni, Oilers Ladies or Orange & Blue Ice Crew visit your classroom and be part of this exciting educational experience!

2023 Read In Week

View photos from 2023 Read-In Week featuring Brad Malone and members of the Orange & Blue Ice Crew.