Panthers poker game

The Florida Panthers are acing their poker faces on the team plane.

The Panthers revealed details about their team poker game on the plane in a video posted by Sportsnet.

According to defenseman Aaron Ekblad, the poker group has assigned seats at the table and play for six hours. When asked about it at a press conference on Monday, he joked that him and forward Sam Bennett were sitting in the same positions they would be if they were playing a round.

Forward Matthew Tkachuk and Bennett revealed defenseman Gustav Forsling is the best player this year.

“[Forsling is] sneaky. Can’t read him,” Tkachuk said in the video.

Bennett also joked that his seat mate, Ekbald, thinks he’s the best and will make sure everyone knows.

The video ended with Bennett calling forward Nick Cousins the worst player at the table.

Thanks to a delayed flight to Edmonton on Wednesday, the Panthers had extra time to kill at the poker table.